St. Finian's Community College

Learning Support

Learning Support

Paired reading

The paired reading programme has been running in our college since 2012. 5th years are paired up with 1st years to read together twice weekly. First years choose a book from the reading room and either read the book together or share the reading. Discussion takes place at the end of a chapter about what has happened and students are encouraged to predict what will happen next. Short book reviews are then completed. Both fifth and first years really enjoy reading together as relationships are forged and mentoring and social skills are also developed. The majority of students read on average between 10 and 15 books each over the year. On completion both the tutors and tutees are awarded with certificates by the principal.

SNIP Literacy

NIP is precision reading programme aimed at increasing the speed and fluency of readers. SNIP has been run in our college since 2013 and its success depends on the volunteerism of teachers. The programme runs over a twelve week period and students are tested for their reading ages both before and after the programme to measure improvement.

Reading Rooms

We have a dedicated reading room at St Finian's Community College


Drop Everything And Read

Oct 28
October Mid-Term
Nov 06
6th Year Parent Teacher Meeting
Nov 07
Staff Training Day
Nov 11
November Assessments
Castlefarm, Swords, Co. Dublin, Ireland.
01 840 2623
© 2024 St. Finian's Community College