St. Finian's Community College

After School Study

After School Study

Supervised Study takes place in the school every week. It runs from Monday to Thursday (1 hour for JC & 2 hours for LC)

We at St. Finian's Community College feel that it is crucial for students to continue an efficient study schedule during their examination year. Supervised Study takes place in a quiet environment conducive to independent study and is supervised closely by teachers in the school. This is one of the most effective methods in helping students succeed in their assessments and examinations. It fosters self-reliance, self-esteem, discipline, and fulfilment. It is very important for students to develop a habit of study if they are to reach their full potential.

After school Supervised Study Guidelines:

No disruption whatsoever will be tolerated.
Students should attend all sessions every week.
Students are expected to bring enough work with them each day to keep them busy during Supervised Study.
Students are not permitted to use mobile phones.
All school rules extend into After school Supervised Study. Attendance is taken on the day. A text will be sent home if students are absent or students do not provide a note for lateness.
Absences and late arrivals should be followed with a note in the student's journal. Students should inform the supervising teacher before the study period begins if they will be late or not attend.

It is advised that students bring snacks/drinks for the extra time provided.

Students Leaving Early:

Should a student need to leave study early, a signed note from a parent/guardian must be placed in the student Journal on the corresponding date. Parents are reminded that mobile phones are not allowed during study sessions. Therefore, a text message or telephone call from a parent to a student's mobile phone will not be accepted. Should you need to collect a student from study with no prior notice available, please contact the office at (01) 8402623 during office hours.

Student testimonials

“I really liked Supervised study; it helped me prepare for my exams”
“I got more work done than if I was at home”

Sep 17
Open Night
Sep 24
6th Year Ecology Trip to Dublin Zoo
Sep 25
6th Year Geography Field Trip
Sep 27
TY, 5th & 6th Year Trip to Italy
Castlefarm, Swords, Co. Dublin, Ireland.
01 840 2623
© 2024 St. Finian's Community College